В 2024 году агентство по борьбе с коррупцией Узбекистана обнаружило незаконные госзакупки на сумму 263,9 млрд сумов.

Uzbekistan's Anti-Corruption Agency uncovered illegal government procurements amounting to 263.9 billion sums in 2024.

In 2024, Uzbekistan's Anti-Corruption Agency canceled 234 illegal government procurements, totaling 263.9 billion sums.

As a result of the conducted work, the anti-corruption agency has sent 257 proposals to various ministries and departments, as well as 273 requests to law enforcement and supervisory bodies.

Currently, there is an ongoing process to hold 104 citizens administratively accountable, and the possibility of applying disciplinary sanctions against 85 individuals is also being considered.