The capital of non-state banks has reached 44.62 trillion sums, accounting for 39% of the total capital in the sector.
The three largest banks by capital are Uzpromstroybank (18.86 trillion sums, which is 16% of the sector's total capital), Agrobak (12.43 trillion sums or 11%), and Uzpromstroybank (10.02 trillion sums, 9%). Asaka Bank and the People's Bank occupy the 4th and 5th positions, each with a capital of 8 trillion sums, representing 7% of the total capital in the sector.
Among non-state banks, the largest are Ipoteka Bank with a capital of 7.34 trillion sums (6%), Kapitalbank — 5.22 trillion sums (5%), and Hamkorbank — 5.16 trillion sums (4%).