После Казахстана Кыргызстан также может ввести запрет на экспорт картофеля.

Following Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan may impose a ban on potato exports.

Uzbekistan, Tashkent – According to AN, the authorities in Kyrgyzstan are considering a temporary ban on potato exports. The Ministry of Agriculture attributes this decision to price speculation on essential food items.

The Minister of Agriculture of Kyrgyzstan, Bakyt Torobayev, held a meeting on February 1st focused on food prices. As a result of the session, relevant agencies and local authorities have been instructed to enhance monitoring of food costs to ensure food security and prevent unjustified price hikes on food products, particularly potatoes.

It is worth noting that in January, Kazakhstan imposed an export ban on potatoes due to a sharp increase in the price of this product. Kazakhstan is the largest supplier of potatoes to Uzbekistan, having exported 465.2 thousand tons over the 11 months of 2024. Kyrgyzstan ranks third among suppliers, following Pakistan, with 71.3 thousand tons of potatoes imported into Uzbekistan from this neighboring republic during the same period.