В Таможенном комитете сообщили, когда и кто будет обязан оплачивать сбор за оформление международных курьерских отправлений.

The Customs Committee announced when and who will be responsible for paying the fees for processing international courier shipments.

Uzbekistan, Tashkent – According to the news agency, a fee for international packages undergoing customs clearance will be implemented starting May 1, 2025. This charge will be paid by the courier service providers rather than the recipients.

The head of the press service of the Customs Committee, Khusan Tangriyev, reported this.

"The number of international courier parcels in Uzbekistan has significantly increased in recent years. In 2024, 5.7 million parcels were received in the country, which is nearly 11 times more than in 2019. This growth is associated with the development of online commerce," he stated.

According to him, this leads to increased pressure on customs authorities. Therefore, the collected funds will be directed towards improving the infrastructure for customs clearance and control.

The new measure also aims to prevent the import of commercial goods disguised as personal items, which will help maintain a healthy competitive environment in the domestic market.

"The new rules do not abolish the provision that allows individuals to import goods worth up to $1,000 duty-free through courier parcels each quarter," Tangriyev emphasized.

Analysis showed that 70% of parcels in 2024 weighed up to 1 kilogram, while 22% weighed up to 5 kilograms. Thus, customs officials hope that the fee will not have a significant impact on the financial expenses of courier organizations.

It is worth noting that, according to the Cabinet of Ministers' resolution, the fee for goods arriving via international courier shipments will be 2% of the parcel's value for each kilogram.