В Узбекистане возросли минимальные расходы на потребление.

Uzbekistan has raised the minimum consumer spending requirements.

In Uzbekistan, the minimum consumer expenditure (MCE) has been raised to 669,000 sums per month.

According to the legislation, the agency is required to announce the amount of the Minimum Consumer Expenditure (MCE) annually by January 20th at the latest.

The previous increase in minimum consumer expenditures took place on April 30th – by 4.3%, ahead of the planned rise in gas and electricity tariffs. Prior to that, on January 20th of last year, the figure was raised by 9.3%.

The MCE for the upcoming year is indexed taking into account the inflation rate, including the rise in prices for food, non-food goods, and services.

Since 2022, the criterion for average per capita income used to determine low-income families within the "Unified Social Protection Register" has been equated to the minimum consumer expenditures.

A number of social benefits cannot be lower than the MCE. In particular, in September, the amounts of allowances and minimum pensions were increased:

for elderly citizens without the necessary work experience;

minimum old-age pension with incomplete work experience;

allowance for the legal representative of a child with a disability under 18 years old who requires constant care.

The method for calculating the MCE is based on determining the basic expenses of an individual necessary to meet daily needs for food, non-food goods, and services.