АБР выдал Hamkorbank кредит в размере 625 миллиардов сумов.

The ADB has granted Hamkorbank a loan of 625 billion sums.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Hamkorbank have signed an agreement worth 625 billion soums (approximately $50 million) aimed at enhancing access to financing for rural microbusinesses and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Uzbekistan.

“The ADB is committed to the inclusive economic development of Uzbekistan. This partnership with Hamkorbank will provide essential support to rural SMEs by empowering entrepreneurs, creating jobs, and contributing to the overall economic resilience of the country,” said ADB Director for Private Sector Operations, Suzanna Gaburi. “By focusing on SMEs and investments in green technologies, ADB's support for Hamkorbank will stimulate the local economy, fostering long-term inclusive growth that will benefit a broad segment of society, including women-led businesses.”

“This partnership highlights Hamkorbank’s commitment to supporting the economic reforms and development strategies of Uzbekistan. ADB's financial support, especially considering the lack of medium-term financing in local currency in the market, will help meet the changing needs of SMEs, contributing to a more dynamic and sustainable development of Uzbekistan,” said Hamkorbank CEO Bakhtiyorjon Juraev.

Founded in 1991, Hamkorbank is the third-largest private bank in Uzbekistan with a strong presence in rural areas, serving its clients through a network of 50 branches, 150 service points, and multiple sales channels.

The ADB aims to achieve a prosperous, inclusive, sustainable, and stable Asia and Pacific region while continuing its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. Established in 1966, it brings together 69 member countries, 49 of which are in the region.