Активы банков Узбекистана достигли более 769 трлн сумов. Кто же занимает лидирующие позиции в этом рейтинге?

Uzbekistan's banking assets have surpassed 769 trillion sums. Who are the leaders in this sector?

As of January 1, 2025, the assets of commercial banks in Uzbekistan reached 769.33 trillion sums, according to data released by the Central Bank of Uzbekistan.

The leader in terms of assets is Uznaatsbank, with assets totaling 135.09 trillion sums, accounting for 18% of the total assets in the banking sector.

In second place is Uzpromstroybank, which has assets amounting to 87.6 trillion sums, representing 11% of the overall volume.

Agrobank takes the third position, with assets reaching 79.4 trillion sums, which constitutes 10% of the country's banking sector.

Among non-state banks, the largest by asset volume are Ipoteka Bank with assets of 52.07 trillion sums (7% of the banking sector), Kapitalbank — 47.36 trillion sums (6%), and Hamkorbank — 28.71 trillion sums (4%).

The smallest asset volumes among banks are held by Poytahtbank with 460 billion sums, Yangy Bank — 377 billion sums, and Eurasian Bank with assets of 162 billion sums.

The lowest asset volumes among state banks are recorded for Mikrokreditbank with 23.54 trillion sums, Alokabank — 23.25 trillion sums, and Turonbank, which has assets totaling 17.58 trillion sums.