Объем наличных денег в банковской системе превысил 1 квадриллион сумов.

The cash turnover in banks has surpassed 1 quadrillion sums.

In 2024, the total amount of monetary inflows, including cash and transactions through terminals, reached 840 trillion soums, marking a 26% increase compared to 2023. This information was reported by the Central Bank of Uzbekistan.

The inflow of funds onto bank cards in 2024 increased by 1.3 times compared to 2023, totaling 1.034 trillion sums. The amount of cash withdrawn from cards reached 226 trillion sums, which is 19.5% higher than the previous year.

Throughout the year, the Central Bank issued additional cash of new designs, resulting in an increase of 152 million banknotes.

The share of banknotes with a denomination of 200,000 sums in the overall cash structure rose from 18.6% to 23.4%, while the share of banknotes with a denomination of 20,000 sums increased from 4.4% to 6.7%.

At the same time, the share of banknotes with a denomination of 100,000 sums decreased from 42.5% to 40.9%, and the share of banknotes with a denomination of 50,000 sums fell from 20.5% to 16.6%.

Particular attention was given to replacing old banknotes. The share of old-style banknotes with a denomination of 5,000 sums dropped from 67% in 2023 to 25% in 2024, 10,000 sums decreased from 64% to 24%, 50,000 sums fell from 61% to 25%, and 100,000 sums declined from 39% to 18%.