Хафиза Артикова назначена руководителем управления по делам семьи и женщин в Бухарской области.

Khafiza Artikova has been appointed head of the Family and Women's Affairs Department in the Bukhara region.

The administration of the Bukhara region has announced the appointment of a new deputy governor for the area, who will also serve as the head of the department for family and women's affairs. This important decision was made yesterday at 20:09.

The Hokimiyat of the Bukhara region has announced the appointment of a new deputy hokim of the region – the head of the Department for Family and Women's Affairs. This important position has been entrusted to Khafiza Tuymirova Artikova, who previously served as the first vice-rector of the Bukhara State Pedagogical Institute for Youth Affairs and Spiritual-Educational Work.

According to the regional hokimiyat, Artikova's experience in the educational sector, particularly her work related to youth policy and spiritual-moral upbringing, will be a valuable asset in her new role. In this position, she will oversee issues related to the protection of women's rights and interests, strengthening families, and developing social support for families facing difficult life situations.

Khafiza Artikova has succeeded Feruza Bahodurkhonovna Ibragimova as deputy hokim, who will continue her professional activities in a different direction. Details regarding Ibragimova's new position have not yet been disclosed. An official ceremony to introduce the new deputy hokim of the Bukhara region will be held soon.