“Khududgazta'minot” implements temporary restrictions on gas supply to greenhouse farms, according to a statement from the state company.

On December 12, a letter from the Samarkand branch of “Khududgazta'minot” circulated on social media, informing greenhouses about a forced 50% reduction in gas supply.

In response, “Khududgazta'minot” noted that against the backdrop of colder weather, consumer demand for natural gas has sharply increased. As a result, gas pressure in pipelines has decreased in some regions of Uzbekistan.

“First and foremost, considering that providing natural gas to the population and social facilities is a priority, restrictions are being imposed for certain wholesale consumers,” the statement read.

The state company emphasized that, according to a presidential decree from September 26, greenhouses are notified 24 hours in advance about the reasons for the reduction in gas pressure.

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In the Cabinet of Ministers' decree from October 27, 2023, it is stated that in case of emergencies in the gas supply system, greenhouses must maintain sufficient reserves of alternative fuel.

This requirement is also stipulated in a trilateral agreement between “Khududgazta'minot,” regional hokimiyats, and greenhouses. In this regard, when gas supply is restricted, greenhouses must temporarily switch to alternative fuel.

“These restrictions apply only during a sharp drop in air temperature. We inform you that the restrictions will be lifted once the gas pressure in the pipelines stabilizes,” added “Khududgazta'minot.”

At the end of November, the Ministry of Energy announced that there are no restrictions on gas supply for greenhouse farms. They are allowed to use gas as long as it is paid for under the current conditions.

From October to December, a prepayment of 50% for gas supply is required from greenhouses, and the remaining amount must be paid by the end of the month. In January and subsequent months, a 100% prepayment will be maintained.

Gas supply contracts will be renewed every three years. The technical conditions must specify the requirements for the gas pressure supplied to facilities not connected to the general gas networks.

Greenhouses Without Gas

In the fall of 2022, greenhouse owners widely complained about gas supply cutoffs. The Ministry of Energy stated that the transition to “alternative fuel” is provided in gas supply contracts as a mandatory condition.

The then-head of the Presidential Administration, Sardor Umurzakov, subsequently instructed to urgently restore gas supply to greenhouses to preserve their products. He also tasked providing funds for energy payments to needy farms.

Throughout 2023, measures to transition greenhouses from gas to coal have been repeatedly announced. To stimulate this process, it was reported that subsidies, preferential loans, and compensation for the purchase of coal boilers would be provided.

Earlier, Spot reported that temporary restrictions on the operation of gas stations are being introduced in Uzbekistan.