На начало 2025 года капитал банков Узбекистана достиг 114,79 трлн сумов.

At the beginning of 2025, the capital of Uzbekistan's banks reached 114.79 trillion soums.

As of January 1, 2025, the capital of commercial banks in Uzbekistan reached 114.79 trillion sums, according to data from the country's Central Bank.

The capital of non-state banks has reached 44.62 trillion sums, accounting for 39% of the total capital in the sector.

The three largest banks by capital are Uzpromstroybank (18.86 trillion sums, which is 16% of the sector's total capital), Agrobak (12.43 trillion sums or 11%), and Uzpromstroybank (10.02 trillion sums, 9%). Asaka Bank and the People's Bank occupy the 4th and 5th positions, each with a capital of 8 trillion sums, representing 7% of the total capital in the sector.

Among non-state banks, the largest are Ipoteka Bank with a capital of 7.34 trillion sums (6%), Kapitalbank — 5.22 trillion sums (5%), and Hamkorbank — 5.16 trillion sums (4%).