Крупные налогоплательщики Узбекистана внесли свыше 100 триллионов сумов в бюджет, из которых половина пришлась на десятку крупнейших компаний.

Major taxpayers in Uzbekistan contributed over 100 trillion soums to the budget, with half of the total coming from the top ten "giants."

Uzbekistan, Tashkent – According to AN, from January to November of this year, 949 major taxpayers in Uzbekistan contributed over 101.6 trillion soums in taxes to the budget, as reported by a correspondent.

More than half of the total amount, 54 trillion sums, was received from the 10 largest taxpayers with state participation.

The leader in tax contributions was NGMK (24.8 trillion sums). Also on the list of the largest are AGMK (7.9 trillion sums), "Uzbekneftgaz" (3.8 trillion sums), and "Hududgazta'minot" (3.4 trillion sums).

In turn, the ten largest taxpayers in the private sector paid more than 7.8 trillion sums during the same period.

The highest tax payments came from UzBAT – 2.6 trillion sums. In second place is Enter Engineering – 844.2 billion sums. Rounding out the top three is Tashkent Tobacco – 776.7 billion sums.

In addition to these, the top ten private companies included Cid License Plate (665.8 billion sums), Coca-Cola (572.6 billion sums), Unitel (542.1 billion sums), Kapital Bank (526.3 billion sums), Hamkorbank (480.6 billion sums), International Beverages (322.6 billion sums), and Anglesey Food (306 billion sums).

We would like to remind you that foreign IT companies in Uzbekistan paid 101.9 billion sums in taxes over the nine months of this year. This is 2.1 times more compared to the same period last year.