Минсельхоз сообщил о достаточных запасах картофеля в стране после прекращения экспорта из Казахстана.

The Ministry of Agriculture announced that there are sufficient potato supplies following the halt of exports from Kazakhstan.

Uzbekistan, Tashkent – Amid reports of a ban on potato exports from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan has announced that it currently holds 239,200 tons of potato reserves. To ensure a steady supply, a 10-day distribution schedule has been established for various regions.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Uzbekistan's annual demand for potatoes is 4 million tons. In 2024, the country produced 3.7 million tons, of which 2.7 million were grown on primary plots, and 1 million resulted from repeated sowing.

From this harvest, 600 thousand tons were reserved for the next season as seed material, while 100 thousand tons account for natural losses. For the winter-spring period of 2024–2025, a reserve of 245.5 thousand tons of potatoes has been prepared, with 6.3 thousand already available for sale.

It has been reported that to meet domestic consumption, the Ministry of Economy and Finance has approved a supply schedule, which has been sent to the Cabinet of Ministers of Karakalpakstan, regional khokimiyats, and Tashkent for implementation.

It is worth noting that as of January 18, Kazakhstan has temporarily banned the export of potatoes to third countries, including Uzbekistan. This restriction will remain in effect for six months.