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The former governor of Samarkand region has a new job, which has just been announced.

On January 22, 2025, Erkinjon Turdimov officially took office as the acting governor of the Syrdarya region. This appointment was made yesterday.

On January 22, 2025, Erkinjon Turdimov officially assumed the role of acting khokim of the Syrdarya region. This appointment was confirmed by a decree from the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and announced by the spokesperson for the head of state, Sherzod Asadov. The decision regarding the appointment was made during an extraordinary session of the regional Kengash of people's deputies, which was attended by Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov, as reported by his press secretary Bekzod Khidoyatov.

During the session, Prime Minister Aripov highlighted several urgent issues that require immediate resolution in the Syrdarya region. Among these were noted deficiencies in the agricultural sector, insufficient dynamics of economic development, the need to improve the investment climate and business conditions, as well as the enhancement of the population's living standards. The head of government outlined the main tasks in these areas.

Erkinjon Okbutayevich Turdimov has significant experience in leadership roles. From July 2018 to November 2024, he served as the khokim of the Samarkand region. His departure from this position, as previously reported, was related to a transition to another job.

The biography of Erkinjon Turdimov reflects his many years of activity in the field of public administration. From December 2016 to July 2018, he led the Surkhandarya region, and from 2008 to 2016, he headed the Navoi region.

Erkinjon Turdimov's career began in 1991 at the regional offices of Uzpromstroybank. From 1995 to 1996, he worked as the deputy khokim of the city of Zarafshan. From 1996 to 2000, he held positions at the Navoi branch of the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity. Subsequently, Erkinjon Turdimov was appointed khokim of the Khatyrchin district in the Navoi region. Before his appointment as khokim of the Navoi region in 2008, he served as the first deputy minister of agriculture and water management.

It should be noted that the previous khokim of the Syrdarya region, Akmaljon Mahmudaliyev, was relieved of his duties last week due to serious shortcomings identified in the work on attracting investments and developing agriculture in the region. Additionally, disciplinary actions in the form of reprimands were issued to 16 khokims from various districts and cities of the region.