Не принимаем, но можем выдать. Узбекистанцы вновь столкнулись с трудностями при обмене старых долларов. Смотрите видео.

We don't accept them, but we can issue them. Uzbeks have once again reported issues with exchanging old dollar bills. Video available.

Uzbekistan, Tashkent – According to AN Recently, there have been renewed reports online regarding issues related to the exchange of old-style dollar bills. The Central Bank addressed the situation in a comment to the correspondent.

Recently, a video from Andijan surfaced on social media. The author expressed his frustration at being unable to exchange dollar banknotes issued in 1996. A bank employee stated that they would accept them, but the man would need to pay a certain fee.

Additionally, we received a message from a client of one of the capital's banks. He noted that at the exchange point, they refused to accept old-style dollars. They justified this by saying that the machine could not determine their authenticity.

"The most interesting part was that another person was issued old dollars while I was there. When I voiced my outrage at the situation, the employee tried to explain that the bank had contacted the Central Bank regarding the exchange of old banknotes for new ones but was denied. For the same reason – supposedly, they are very difficult to verify," he shared.

When asked how the bank verified the money that is currently being issued, the client was told that an expertise had been conducted for this purpose, which is costly and time-consuming. He also pointed out that he did not encounter such an issue at other banks, where they accepted money without any excuses.

The Central Bank emphasized that transactions involving the sale and purchase of dollar banknotes issued before 2009 should be carried out by the banks of the republic without any problems.

The regulator's press service noted that in the first case, the Andijan resident was exchanging worn-out money. Indeed, a certain fee is charged for this. This is stipulated by law, as the bank needs to cover transportation and other expenses for the subsequent replacement of damaged banknotes at a foreign bank.

"The bank employee apparently could not explain this to the client, or the video author simply cut out the favorable part of the recording. The situation is being investigated," the Central Bank stated.

However, if you are refused the exchange of old but usable banknotes without reason, as in the second case, you can confidently contact the Central Bank's hotline. It operates at the number 71) 200−00−44.

We remind you that at the end of last year, the Central Bank also commented on the information regarding the suspension of operations with old dollar banknotes. Reports emerged amid difficulties encountered when exchanging dollars in Turkey, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan.