Обсуждалась важность инноваций для роста малого и среднего бизнеса с представителями Всемирного банка.

The role of innovation in the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises was discussed with representatives from the World Bank.

As part of the MUNIS project — the modernization of Uzbekistan's national innovation system — a meeting was held at the Ministry of Economy and Finance with representatives from the World Bank. The discussions focused on ways to support innovative projects in small and medium-sized enterprises.

Within the framework of the MUNIS project, the possibilities for supporting innovative projects in the regions, implemented by small and medium-sized businesses, were also examined.
Additionally, the implementation of the second phase of the MUNIS project was discussed, along with the participation of the Ministry of Economy and Finance in this process, as well as the preparation of relevant proposals.

During the discussions, the topic of analyzing the state of innovation and the startup ecosystem in Uzbekistan was also addressed, along with the development of digital entrepreneurship and the assessment of the current situation in this area.
Measures were proposed for studying international experience and preparing practical recommendations with the involvement of international experts, supported by the World Bank.