In January 2025, the IPC for goods over the month stood at 100.6%.
On an annual basis, this indicator was recorded at 104.6%, which is 3.9 points lower than in January 2024 and 8.7 points less than the figure for January 2023.
The short-term IPC for services in January 2025 reached 101.1%. This is 0.5 points higher than the corresponding figure for goods.
By January 2024, it was at 127.0%. Over the last five years (since 2021), this is the highest value of this indicator.
The short-term IPC for food products in the first month of 2025 amounted to 100.8%. For non-food products, it reached 100.3%, and for paid services to the population, it was 101.1%.
The IPC for January 2025, in annual terms, was recorded at 102.6% for food products, 107.7% for non-food products, and 127.0% for paid services.
Excluding fluctuations in prices for fruits and vegetables, the composite IPC for the month reached 100.4%, which is 0.3 points lower than the short-term IPC considering price changes for the specified group of goods.
For the composite IPC in January 2025, the price changes for fruits and vegetables acted as a restraining factor. Thus, this indicator, taking into account the influence of price fluctuations on fruits and vegetables, was 2.1 points lower than without considering such influence.
In the structure of the short-term IPC growth in January 2025, the share of price changes for food products became the largest among the three main groups (51.4%).
62.6% of the annual growth of the composite indicator for January 2025 was related to rising prices and tariffs in the services sector.
In January 2025, the range of short-term IPC across sections was between 100.1% (Section VIII. "Information and Communication") and 103.5% (Section X. "Educational Services"), while the annual range was from 100.7% (Section VIII. "Information and Communication") to 137.4% (Section IV. "Housing Services, Electricity, Gas, and Other Fuels").
The range of fluctuations in the short-term IPC for January 2025 in Section I. "Food Products and Non-Alcoholic Beverages" was between 96.5% and 106.0%.
The short-term IPC below 100.0% for the month was recorded in the group "Milk, Other Dairy Products, and Eggs" (96.50%), while the growth of this indicator for the groups "Fish and Other Seafood," "Oils and Fats," "Fruits and Nuts," and "Vegetables, Tubers, and Legumes" exceeded 1%.
The lowest value of the annual IPC for January this year was noted in the "Fruits and Nuts" group (81.1%), while the highest was in the "Meat Products" group (111.7%).
In January 2025, a decline in prices was observed for certain types of fruits and vegetables, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, and tangerines. At the same time, significant price increases were noted for fruits and vegetables like eggplants, potatoes, bell peppers, lemons, bananas, and others.
The price levels for eggplants, pomegranates, tomatoes, bell peppers, lemons, cucumbers, apples, and bananas in January 2025 were lower than in January 2024. In contrast, potatoes significantly increased in price on an annual basis.
In January 2025, the decrease in prices for milk, other dairy products, and eggs acted as a restraining factor, which caused the composite indicator for the month to drop by 0.16 percentage points.
The contribution to the growth of the short-term composite IPC among goods in Section I. "Food Products and Non-Alcoholic Beverages" from fruit and vegetable products reached +0.36 percentage points. The increase in prices for meat products led to an additional rise in the composite indicator of +0.07 percentage points. The influence of other groups was less significant.
In January 2025, the fluctuations of the short-term IPC in Section II. "Alcoholic Beverages, Tobacco Products" ranged from 100.30% (vodka) to 101.50% (wine). The short-term IPC for other tobacco products was higher than the average for Section II, while the IPC for other positions in the section did not exceed this average value. The IPC compared to January 2024 for alcoholic beverages and tobacco products ranged from 108.2% (other tobacco products) to 112.9% (cigarettes).
The range of short-term IPC in January 2025 in Section III. "Clothing and Footwear" was between 99.9% (sandals and sandals for boys) and 101.7% (clothing rental). The IPC compared to January 2024 for goods and services in Section III ranged from 103.00% (men's spring jacket) to 113.3% (dry cleaning services).
Among the main types of utility services, price increases in January 2025 were only recorded for garbage collection services (4.6%). A slight price growth for the month was also noted for materials and services for housing maintenance and repairs (0.1-0.3%). The highest annual IPC remains for gas supply services (229.0%) and electricity supply (167.0%).
The short-term IPC in January 2025 in Section V. "Household Items, Household Appliances, and Current Housing Maintenance" ranged from 99.9% (batteries) to 106.0% (disinfection services). The IPC fluctuations compared to January 2024 were between 102.50% (large washing and drying appliances) and 114.30% (services for washing and cleaning carpets and carpet products).
The range of fluctuations in the short-term IPC for goods in Section VI. "Healthcare" in January 2025 was from 99.5% (syringes) to 102.0% (medical laboratory services). The IPC compared to January 2024 ranged from 107.70% (auxiliary vision products) to 128.0% (antibiotics).
In January 2025, gasoline prices increased by an average of 1.5% across the republic. The short-term IPC for gas automotive fuel in January of this year ranged from 86.8% to 99.9%. Maintenance and repair of personal vehicles increased in price by 1.4% compared to December 2024. Training in driver preparation courses during the same period increased in price by an average of 12.5% across the republic.
In January 2025, price increases were noted for laptops, computers, and tablets (0.1-0.3%), peripheral equipment and its consumables, equipment for receiving, recording, and reproducing sound and images, comprehensive telecommunications services (0.3%), as well as for repair services for information and communication equipment (1.1%). Prices for other observed types of goods and services remained at the end of 2024 levels.
Since January 2025, prices for newspapers and periodicals have increased by an average of 15.3%. The three percent threshold of price growth for the month was surpassed by services provided by cinemas (103.7%) as well as plants, seeds, and flowers (103.2%). The short-term IPC for theater services reached 103.0%. The range of IPC in annual terms in January of this year was from 88.9% (A4 paper) to 122.4% (services of cultural and recreational parks).
Since January 2025, fees for services provided by state preschool educational organizations (DPO) have increased in all regions. On average across the republic, the amount of parental payments increased by 21.0%. The cost of private kindergartens for children also increased by 1.1% during the same period. Compared to January 2024, the average price level for services of state DPOs has risen by 45.2%, while for private ones, it has increased by 11.3%.
In January 2025, the price growth in the hotel industry was significantly higher than in the area of food and beverage services (105.7% vs. 100.6%). However, the IPC in annual terms for January 2025 for hotel services (110.5%) became the lowest figure for January since 2021. The main price increases in January of this year were noted for services at recreation centers. Price growth for this type of service was recorded in all regions of the republic, ranging from 4.1% to 17.5%.
Among financial services, price increases in January 2025 were noted only for money transfer services. The short-term IPC for this type of service was 100.70%. Other observed financial services, along with insurance services, maintained price stability in the first month of the current year. The IPC in annual terms for January 2025 in Section XII ranged from 100.0% to 104.6%.
In January 2025, the short-term IPC for goods and services in