В IV квартале ЦБ Узбекистана купил золото у местных производителей на сумму 29,9 трлн сумов.

In the fourth quarter, the Central Bank of Uzbekistan purchased gold from local producers for 29.9 trillion soums.

In the fourth quarter, the Central Bank of Uzbekistan purchased gold from local producers amounting to 29.9 trillion soums.

According to data from the Central Bank, the volume of gold purchases from local producers in the IV quarter amounted to 29.9 trillion sums, slightly exceeding the III quarter figure of 29.5 trillion sums.

At the same time, the volume of net interventions in the domestic foreign exchange market reached 24.5 trillion sums (1.9 billion dollars), which aligns with the principle of "neutrality of gold and foreign exchange reserves" throughout the year, noted the regulator.

The relatively low volume of interventions was due to high currency inflows into the economy in the IV quarter, ensuring a sufficient supply in the domestic foreign exchange market.

Part of the additional liquidity generated from gold purchases was absorbed through monetary operations, including Central Bank bonds, which contributed to liquidity sterilization.

“Thus, the IV quarter saw a stable situation in the foreign exchange market with high levels of gold and foreign exchange reserves and adequate liquidity provision,” emphasized the Central Bank.