В ноябре ЦБ наложил штрафы на 8 банков и 7 платежных систем.

In November, the Central Bank fined eight banks and seven payment organizations.

During the meetings of the Central Bank's Banking Supervision Committee held in November this year (a total of 9 sessions), 32 issues were discussed, and appropriate decisions were made.

Additionally, 19 issues concerning the financial condition of credit organizations were examined, including compliance with the Central Bank's requirements, adherence to regulations, and oversight activities in commercial banks. The outcomes of inspections conducted in commercial banks and microfinance organizations were also discussed.

As a result of the inspections carried out in commercial banks, microfinance organizations, and payment institutions, warnings were issued to 22 banks and 3 payment organizations regarding the potential application of measures and sanctions for identified violations.

Furthermore, due to non-compliance with existing legislation, economic regulations, and directives from the Central Bank, as well as violations discovered during inspections and audits, financial penalties were imposed on 8 banks, 7 payment organizations, and 12 microfinance institutions.

In addition, following the decision of the Banking Supervision Committee, 7 banks were recognized as systemically important for the year 2025.