Цена пропана на узбекской бирже достигла исторического максимума в 9,6 миллиона сумов за тонну.

The price of propane on the Uzbekistan exchange has hit a record high of 9.6 million sums per ton.

Uzbekistan, Tashkent – According to AN Yesterday, propane exchange supplies decreased by 720 tons, which resulted in an increase in its price. The cost of propane rose by 800 sums per ton, reaching a record high of 9.6 million sums per ton.

"In the regions, propane is either physically unavailable or sold at an extremely high price (7500-8000 sums). The same situation applies to the maximum price for Ai-80 gasoline (8200-8800 sums). Considering the recent artificial surge in the stock market, the retail price for propane and Ai-80 gasoline is set to increase even further. Within less than an hour, Ai-80 gasoline priced at 6900 sums is depleted from the capital's branches of UNG Petro," commented economist Otabek Bakirov on the situation.

Regarding seasonal price dynamics, the economist believes that against the backdrop of a sharp drop in temperature, fuel shortages and rising prices may intensify.

It is worth noting that earlier, the price of liquefied gas (propane) on the stock exchange also rose significantly. The average price reached 9.5 million sums per ton.