Гражданство РФ было аннулировано у уроженца Узбекистана за неисполнение обязательств по воинскому учету.

A native of Uzbekistan has been stripped of Russian citizenship for failing to comply with military registration requirements.

Russian authorities have revoked the citizenship of a 27-year-old man from Uzbekistan due to non-compliance with military registration laws. Today at 06:02.

Russian authorities have revoked the citizenship of a 27-year-old man from Uzbekistan due to non-compliance with military registration laws. The migrant is required to leave the territory of the Russian Federation within three days.

According to information provided by the Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Kamchatka region, the man obtained Russian citizenship in 2024. He arrived in Russia in 2018 with the intention of permanent residence. The Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" mandates that newly naturalized citizens register for military service within two weeks of receiving their passport.

Despite receiving a warning about the necessity of registration when his documents were issued, the man disregarded this requirement. Migration service officials identified the violation, revoked his citizenship, confiscated his Russian passport, and ordered him to leave the country within three days.

This is not the first such case. A similar incident was previously reported in the Tomsk region, where another Uzbek national had his Russian citizenship revoked for failing to register for military service within the established timeframe. These precedents highlight the importance of adhering to migration laws and military registration rules for all who acquire Russian citizenship. Failure to comply with these requirements can lead to serious consequences, including the revocation of citizenship and deportation. The Migration Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Kamchatka region continues to work on identifying and preventing such violations.