Умерла Раъно Абдуллаева, секретарь ЦК Компартии УзССР по идеологии.

Ra'no Abdullaeva, the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Uzbek SSR for ideology, has passed away.

At the age of 90, Ra'no Habibovna Abdullaeva passed away, leaving a significant mark on the political history of Uzbekistan. Sources close to the matter reported yesterday at 13:56.

Ra'no Khabibovna Abdullaeva passed away at the age of 90, leaving a significant mark on the political history of Uzbekistan. Sources close to the family have confirmed this information to the media.

Ra'no Abdullaeva was born on September 16, 1935, in the Shafirkan district of the Bukhara region. Her political career began to rapidly develop in 1963 when she took on the role of first secretary of the Komsomol of the Uzbek SSR. She held this position until 1971, after which she was appointed deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the republic. The pinnacle of her career was her appointment as the secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan for ideology, a position she held until 1987. During this period, from 1970 to 1987, Abdullaeva was considered one of the most influential figures in the political elite of the Uzbek SSR.

In 1987, Ra'no Abdullaeva's career was abruptly cut short due to her arrest on charges related to corruption schemes within the high-profile "cotton case." She spent two years in prison. Subsequently, the Supreme Court of the USSR issued an acquittal, making Abdullaeva the only citizen of Uzbekistan to be rehabilitated in this case during those years. This fact highlights the complexity and contradictions of the political situation at that time.

In 2019, in an interview with the National Information Agency of Uzbekistan, "UzA," Ra'no Abdullaeva shared her memories of the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan, Sharaf Rashidov, the intricacies of the "cotton case," and the role of ideology in Soviet society. She particularly emphasized Rashidov's contributions to the development of the republic, mentioning his persistence in lobbying for the construction of the Tashkent metro and the exploration of the Muruntau gold deposit.

Abdullaeva also noted the centralized nature of personnel decisions in the USSR, where Moscow often overlooked local specifics. In her opinion, this frequently led to unfounded accusations and repressions against Uzbek personnel.

Ra'no Abdullaeva was the grandmother of Azim Akhmedkhadjaev, the current head of the "Uzatom" Atomic Energy Agency.