The press service of UzAuto Motors has announced a new "window" for contracting Chevrolet Cobalt vehicles.

Cars in the GX-Style AT Plus and GX Midnight AT configurations will be available for sale, which were not paid for on time. The company reminded that payments for vehicle supply contracts must be made within 7 days after signing.

Orders can be placed starting December 11 at 10:00 on the website The Telegram bot and the UzAvtoSavdo app will only provide queue monitoring and information about available vehicles.

The previous contracting took place on November 22. During that time, the company received 55,494 orders for Cobalt vehicles in both configurations within 10 hours, of which 99.7% were from individuals.

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Since late 2022, UzAuto Motors has suspended open sales of mass-segment models — Cobalt, Lacetti, Damas, and Labo. Since then, the company has repeatedly opened and closed contracting.

At the end of December 2023, the company halted sales of Cobalt, Damas, and Labo vehicles, contracting 171,000 cars in just three days — the entire production volume for 2024. At that time, the company also announced the creation of a database for contracts listed for resale.

On March 29, UzAuto Motors offered 18,000 Labo for re-contracting, which were sold out in 55 minutes. In April, the company proposed 24,000 Damas, with orders also arriving in less than an hour, and on May 8, 4,500 Lacetti were re-contracted in 25 minutes.

The next round of contracting took place in June — during which ordering for a batch of 25,000 Cobalt took over nine hours. On July 5, just over 14,000 sedans were re-contracted.

In October, UzAuto Motors announced the launch of production for the Chevrolet Cobalt in the Midnight configuration. The price of the vehicle will be 155,231,000 sums, which is 7.3 million sums more than the existing options.

Earlier, Spot reported on the plans of "Uzavtosanoat" for the development of the automotive industry by 2025.