Узбекистан и Mastercard обсудили важные направления для дальнейшего развития своего партнёрства.

Uzbekistan and Mastercard discussed key areas for further partnership development.

A meeting took place between representatives of Uzbekistan's Ministry of Economy and Finance and the international payment system Mastercard.

During the meeting, the strategic importance of collaboration with Mastercard for Uzbekistan was emphasized. Key areas for further development of the partnership were proposed.

Among these, particular attention was given to the enhancement of cashless payment infrastructure, including the promotion of mobile payments and contactless technologies, as well as the implementation of cards for payments in public transport and utility services.

The discussion also covered the development of innovative payment tools, such as digital wallets and biometric authentication systems.

One of the most critical topics was the reduction of cash transactions and the minimization of the "shadow economy." To address this, information campaigns aimed at improving financial literacy are planned, along with collaboration with tax authorities to uncover tax evasion schemes.

Additionally, initiatives in the field of financial technology and support for entrepreneurship were announced, including simplifying conditions for small businesses, implementing fintech solutions on online trading platforms, and enhancing business management efficiency.

Special emphasis was placed on advancing the digitalization of government services and the tax system, which involves transitioning government services to an online format, conducting transparent procurement through electronic payment systems, and expanding the tax base using payment data.

To further develop cooperation, measures were proposed to create a legal framework, develop investment programs to improve payment infrastructure, and conduct large-scale information campaigns aimed at informing the public and businesses.

In conclusion, the parties agreed to continue exchanging information and discussing joint projects aimed at deepening the partnership and enhancing economic relations.