В Узбекистане будет основан холдинг UzAgroStar для стимулирования роста агропроизводства.

Uzbekistan will establish a holding company, UzAgroStar, to enhance agricultural production.

Uzbekistan, Tashkent – According to AN, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting on January 30, where new initiatives aimed at enhancing the cultivation of income-generating crops on private and leased lands were announced. The discussion primarily focused on establishing effective conditions to boost crop yields, supporting local farmers and dekhkans, and ensuring the country’s food security, as reported by a correspondent.

The President has proposed the establishment of a separate council aimed at developing peasant farms and household gardening, which will focus on training, supplying seeds and seedlings, as well as processing and exporting products.

As part of this initiative, the creation of the UzAgroStar holding is planned, which will unite 15 specialized companies focused on fruit and vegetable production. These companies will ensure a high level of production and processing in 15 pilot regions, while also spreading successful practices to 72 other areas.

Each company will receive 20 billion sums from the budget. A fund will be established within the council with an initial capital of 260 billion sums and a credit portfolio of 1.2 trillion sums, which will support farmers and household plot owners through preferential loans and subsidies. This will accelerate the development of agriculture and improve the living standards of rural residents.

Additionally, measures have been proposed to simplify the tax system for efficient landowners. For instance, household plot owners who generate an official income of more than five million sums per hundred will be able to reclaim 90% of the land tax paid. Conversely, higher tax rates will be introduced for those who do not utilize their land.

Significant attention will be given to the digitalization of agriculture. To enhance product trading, an online marketplace will be created to simplify the process of finding buyers and suppliers. A new accounting system for household and peasant lands is also planned, which will record all information about crops in the "Online Mahalla" platform.

To improve potato cultivation in the country, a program will be implemented to create high-yield varieties of this widely consumed product, with 400 billion sums allocated for the development of potato farming this year. The program aims to reduce dependence on imports and boost local production.

New initiatives also include a program of subsidies and preferential loans for gardeners, farmers, and entrepreneurs working in agriculture, along with support for eco-projects and improvements to agricultural infrastructure.

All these measures are designed to accelerate agricultural development, increase production volumes, and create new job opportunities for rural residents.