В Узбекистане запускается новая система распределения сельхозземель через электронные аукционы.

Uzbekistan is implementing a new system for allocating agricultural land through electronic auctions.

Uzbekistan, Tashkent – According to AN, a new experimental system for allocating agricultural land plots will be implemented in Uzbekistan. This system is based on the principles of tenant autonomy and is designed to focus on the cultivation of high value-added crops, as reported by a correspondent.

According to the president's decree, land plots ranging from 3 to 50 hectares will be offered in electronic auctions via the E-auksion platform, while maintaining the integrity of their boundaries and the irrigation system.

All individuals and legal entities who are residents, including enterprises with foreign investments, will be able to participate in the auctions, regardless of their place of residence or ownership of other land plots.

The auction winner will receive a land lease right for a period of 49 years and will have the freedom to choose the types and volumes of crops grown, transfer the plot for sublease, and place agricultural service facilities on an area of up to 20 acres at the edges of the fields.

As a reminder, a holding company named UzAgroStar will be established in Uzbekistan to promote agricultural production.