The Ministry of Transport plans to establish new international bus routes from various cities in Uzbekistan, as reported by the agency's press service.

According to the statement, the decision aims to increase the share of bus transportation in cross-border passenger traffic. Special attention will be given to organizing direct routes from regional centers to major cities in other countries.

In particular, it is planned to launch services between Karakalpakstan and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. The route will run from Nukus to Urgench, Bukhara, and Urumqi.

Routes to Kazakhstan will be organized in the following directions:

  • Bukhara - Turkestan;
  • Urgench - Aktau;
  • Fergana - Almaty (via Tajikistan).

New routes to Kyrgyzstan are planned to be launched along the following paths:

  • Andijan - Osh;
  • Andijan - Jalal-Abad;
  • Andijan - Arslanbob;
  • Kasansay - Jalal-Abad;
  • Bukhara - Bishkek.

Trips to Tajikistan are also planned in the following directions:

  • Bukhara - Dushanbe;
  • Samarkand - Dushanbe.

Additionally, the following routes to Russia will be launched:

  • Tashkent - Ufa;
  • Tashkent - Krasnodar;
  • Nukus - Krasnodar;
  • Urgench - Nukus - Ufa;
  • Surkhandarya - Bukhara - Urgench - Nukus - Moscow.

Carriers wishing to organize routes in these and other directions on a parity basis are invited to contact the Ministry of Transport through the following channels:

Earlier, Spot reported that 1,000 new buses will be purchased for transportation in the Tashkent region.

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