Делегация из Узбекистана угостила жителей Владивостока традиционным пловом.

A delegation from Uzbekistan treated the residents of Vladivostok to a delicious serving of pilaf.

As part of a sports event dedicated to the hockey match between the teams "Admiral" and "Avtomobilist," a delegation from Uzbekistan arranged activities for the local residents.

During the sports event dedicated to the hockey match between the teams "Admiral" and "Automobilist," a delegation from Uzbekistan organized a true feast of flavors for the residents of Vladivostok.

Masters of Uzbek cuisine prepared a whopping 200 kg of pilaf — a traditional dish renowned for its unique aroma and rich taste. The treat was arranged not only for the spectators of the hockey match but also for everyone eager to explore the culinary traditions of Uzbekistan.

This event served as a vivid example of cultural exchange and friendly ties between Uzbekistan and Russia. Pilaf, symbolizing hospitality and generosity, brought together people of various nationalities and became a true highlight of the celebration.

Organizing such events fosters the strengthening of intercultural dialogue and the promotion of national traditions. Uzbek cuisine, with its rich history and variety of flavors, enjoys well-deserved popularity in many countries around the world.