Комил Алламжонов впервые высказался о нападении на него.

Komil Allamjonov has commented for the first time on the assassination attempt against him.

Former presidential administration employee Komil Allamzhanov has commented for the first time on the assassination attempt made against him in October 2024.

Former presidential administration employee Komil Allamzhanov has commented for the first time on the assassination attempt made against him in October 2024. Allamzhanov provided his remarks immediately following the announcement of the verdict in this case.

What has happened to me over the past 5 months is known only to me, my family, and close friends. The truth has bent and twisted, but it has not broken. The truth has come to light. There is still a lot of work and trials ahead. May God grant us all luck, — Allamzhanov noted on his Telegram channel.

We remind you that the verdict in the assassination case was announced today, February 12. A total of 10 individuals were on trial.

It is worth noting that Allamzhanov has been one of the most authoritative officials in recent years. He was responsible for information policy issues in Uzbekistan for a long time.