Назначен новый заместитель хокима в Сырдарьинской области.

A new deputy khokim has been appointed for the Syrdarya region.

The administration of the Syrdarya region has announced the appointment of a new deputy governor. Alisher Borievich Khidiriy has taken on this role. This was confirmed in an official announcement made yesterday at 16:52.

The Hokimiat of the Syrdarya region has announced the appointment of a new deputy hokim. Alisher Borievich Khidiriv has taken on this role. According to an official statement from the regional administration's press service, Khidiriv will oversee issues related to construction, ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities, developing communication networks, protecting the environment, and greening the region.

Previously, Alisher Khidiriv held leadership positions in the transportation infrastructure sector. He served as the director of marketing and service departments at the companies "Uztemiryulovchi" and "Uzbekiston Temir Yullari." This experience is expected to be beneficial in his new role, considering the importance of transportation infrastructure development for the region.

Khidiriv's appointment as deputy hokim of the Syrdarya region is anticipated to provide a new impetus for the development of the region in key areas such as construction, ecology, and communications. His experience in major transportation companies will enable him to effectively address challenges related to infrastructure modernization and improving the quality of life for residents. In particular, the focus on creating an accessible environment reflects the authorities' commitment to providing comfortable conditions for all residents of the region.

The Hokimiat of the Syrdarya region has not yet provided detailed information about the plans of the new deputy hokim.