В России предложили штрафовать мигрантов за то, что их дети не обучаются русскому языку.

In Russia, there are proposals to penalize migrants for not teaching their children the Russian language.

New measures are being developed in Russia aimed at increasing the responsibility of migrants for teaching their children the Russian language. This initiative comes from the Ministry.

In Russia, new measures are being developed aimed at increasing the responsibility of migrants for teaching their children the Russian language. A project by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation proposes to introduce administrative liability for migrant parents whose children have not passed the Russian language test and have not been admitted to school.

According to the document, even if a child successfully passes the initial test, they may be subjected to a re-evaluation of their knowledge if doubts arise during the learning process regarding their sufficient command of the Russian language to engage with the educational program. Information about such cases will be transmitted from educational organizations to the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

These measures aim to ensure the successful integration of migrant children into the Russian educational system and to create equal opportunities for mastering the programs.