Абдусалом Азизов ушёл с должности руководителя АФУ.

Abdusalam Azizov has stepped down as the head of the AFU.

Abdusalam Azizov, the former chairman of the State Security Service (SSS), has stepped down from his position as president of the Uzbekistan Football Association (UFA).

His responsibilities have been temporarily assigned to the first vice-president of the AFU, Ravshan Ermatov.

"An extraordinary electoral Congress of the Football Association will take place on February 22. According to the Association's charter, until the Congress is held, the duties of the president of the UFA will be delegated to the first vice-president," states the announcement.

Abdusalom Azizov served as the chairman of the SGB for five years. In late November 2024, Azizov was relieved of his position due to a case concerning an assassination attempt on the former head of the information policy department of the presidential administration, Komil Allamjanov. In December of the same year, he was appointed deputy advisor to the president on youth affairs.