Черчесов ушел с поста главного тренера сборной Казахстана по футболу.

Cherchesov has stepped down as the head coach of Kazakhstan's national football team.

The head coach of the Kazakhstan national football team, Stanislav Cherchesov, is stepping down from his position by mutual agreement.

Cherchesov took charge of the national team in June 2024 and under his leadership, the team played 6 matches in the UEFA Nations League, earning 1 point after a draw with the Norwegian team.
Stanislav Cherchesov is also departing from the national team along with the coaching staff.

Recall that in October of last year, Cherchesov was fined for a joke about the Kazakh language.

This is not the first time the coach has found himself in such a scandalous situation. At his first press conference as the new coach, he was asked a question in Kazakh, but Cherchesov inquired if the journalist would mind if he responded in Ossetian.