Искусство создания и исполнения на рубабе внесено в Репрезентативный список ЮНЕСКО.

Эта номинация стала 16-м компонентом нематериального культурного наследия, добавленным в Репрезентативный список ЮНЕСКО по инициативе Узбекистана.

On December 4, during the 19th session of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, held in Asunción, a decision was made to include the art of crafting and playing the rubab in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
This nomination was initiated by Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iran, and Tajikistan. It was unanimously included in the Representative List by all member countries.
The committee's decision highlighted that the rubab is one of the oldest musical instruments in Central, South, and Southwest Asia, serving as a unifying factor for the peoples of the Central Asian region. It fosters cultural and social cohesion and plays a significant role in the development of cultural exchanges and solidarity.
It was also emphasized that this art contributes to quality education, gender equality, inclusive economic growth, and sustainable development.
The committee commended the ongoing and planned practical measures in the initiating countries aimed at preserving, promoting, and further popularizing the art of crafting and playing the rubab on both national and international levels.
The art of crafting and playing the rubab has become the 16th element of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity included in UNESCO's Representative List at the initiative of Uzbekistan.